Oswaldo Guayasamín     by Reel Nomad Productions


‘Oswaldo’ is a documentary film about Ecuadorian Artist Oswaldo Guayasamin.

If you are intersted in Art, Latin America, or Human Rights, this film is for you.

Si estan interesado en el Arte, América Latina, o los Derechos Humanos, este pelicula es para ti.

Aleshia Mueller at Reel Nomad Productions is producing "Oswaldo," a feature length documentary film about Quechua Indian and Ecuadorian master painter and sculptor Oswaldo Guayasamín (1919-1999). Guayasamín’s work is characterized by human figures with oversized hands and expressions of pain, anguish, despair, and rage. It evokes strong emotional responses and gives a voice to the voiceless by raising awareness about the abuse of indigenous and underrepresented people. Guayasamín's work is well-known throughout all of Latin America, but Cuba was special for him. He admired the people, had a house there, taught art classes, and was friends with Fidel Castro. Guayasamín painted more than 800 portraits throughout his career, four of which were of Castro.

Producer Aleshia Mueller and Cinematographer David Schnack recently traveled to Cuba to work on "Oswaldo," This is an important part of Guayasamín’s story. Your support helps ensure that we have the necessary resources to tell it well! Please spread the word about the project and, if you can, make a supporting donation.

There are two ways to donate:

1.By check. Make out to Reel Nomad, put ‘Oswaldo’ in subject line, mail to 2900 39th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55406.

2.Through PayPal

                                   IndieGoGo Campaign, March 2011


                                    Number of Funders: 65

                                    Funds Raised: $3,065.00

                                    During a two week IndieGoGo campaign in March 2011, sixty-five people contributed a total of

                                    $3,065.00 in support of shooting some interviews for ‘Oswaldo’ in Cuba. This shows great interest in                             

                                    the film! I feel so blessed by all of your support and participation!

Thank you for your support!

© Reel Nomad Productions, LLC.
